
Lant H. Pritchett / Global / 1994

A cross-country analysis demonstrating the demand-driven nature of fertility: desired fertility explains ninety percent of cross-country differences in fertility rates.

John Bongaarts / Global / 1994

A global summary of demographic trends, with predicted world population peaking at 10.4 billion in 2100.

Michael Kremer / Global / 1993

Demonstrates that countries with large initial populations have had righter rates of technological change and subsequent economic growth.

Mark Pitt, Mark Rosenzweig, Donna Gibbons / Indonesia / 1993

From the abstract: "The empirical results indicate that the presence of grade and middle schools in villages has a significant positive effect on the school attendance rates of teenagers. The presence of health clinics in villages also positively affects the schooling of females ages 10

Amartya Sen / Global / 1990

An overview article, exploring the sex ratio disparities in various countries, and the socio-economic reasons behind them.

Davidson R. Gwatkin / India / 1979

An overview of the sterilization campaigns during 1970s Emergency India.

Claude Meillassoux / Cote d'Ivoire / 1965

Economic anthropology of the Gouro ethnic group in Cote d'Ivoire.

Gary Becker / 1960

A theoretical model is presented in which parents face a trade-off between quantity and "quality" (as proxied by investment) children.

Thomas Malthus / Global / 1798

Outlines the limitations to agricultural production - which grows at a linear rate - in sustaining the population - which grows at an exponential rate. Malthus demonstrated that, given fixed resources, increasing population necessarily increases poverty.

Mizanur Rahman, Julie DaVanzo, Abdur Razzaque / Bangladesh /

From the abstract: "The purpose of this paper is to explore the possibility of further fertility decline in Bangladesh, with special attention to the role that might be played by further improvements in women