
Edward Miguel / Tanzania / 2005

From the abstract: "Extreme rainfall (drought or flood) leads to a large increase in the murder of “witches”— typically elderly women killed by relatives - but not other murders."

Duncan Thomas, Elizabeth Frankenberg, Jed Friedman / Indonesia / 2004

An ongoing study of 17,000 individuals in Indonesia tracks the relationship between health and economic outcomes. Addressing iron deficiency has significant impact of earnings potential among certain groups (e.g. anemic men).

Robert Fogel / Global / 2004

An overview of health, nutrition and technological development over the last three centuries.

Emily Oster / Europe / 2004

From the abstract: "This paper explores the possibility that the witchcraft trials are a large-scale example of violence and scapegoating prompted by a deterioration in economic conditions."

Center for Disease Control / USA / 2000

Data on the US population's caloric intake; 1999-2000.

Elaina Rose / India / 1999

Favorable rainfall shocks increase the ratio of the probability of a girl surviving to the probability of a boy surviving.

Food and Agricultural Organization / Global / 1996

A report on food security challenges and potential solutions.

Shankar Subramanian, Angus Deaton / India / 1996

Calorie spending is relatively income inelastic, indicating that increases in income will not necessarily lead to large increases in nutrition spending.

John Strauss / Sierra Leone / 1986

An increase in caloric intake leads to increased family farm labor productivity.

Partha Dasgupta, Debraj Ray / 1986

There exists a nutrition-based poverty trap in the form of a slanted S-curve. This curve has multiple equilibria, and dynamic forces act to push those without assets into lower equilibria characterized by low nutrition and low earnings.